Alcohol & Drugs: MIP, MIC, Intoxication underage posession

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New Member
Here's my story:
I am 17 and about 1 month ago, my friend had her 17th birthday. About 10 of us girls went out and saw a monster truck show, then decided to go to a party. I don'r normall hang out with these girls, they just hang around with some of my good friends, and they asked me to go. I was the only one who knew where the party was, so i gave directions. FYI, I don't normally go to parties, in fact I pretty much NEVER do. But, I admit, for the sake of not looking like an idiot, i went along with it. An older guy friend of theirs got them some alcohol. I knew about it, and I was in the same car as the alcohol. I personally never even touched the stuff, even though I was offered as much as I wanted. We didn't stay for long, the cops came and broke up the party. Several people's ride left without them, and we gave a couple people rides to the park. Well, this was at around 1 in the morning and it was loitering, and the cops showed up again. They searched the cars and found several bottles of alcohol. I knew of maybe 2 or 3, but NONE of it was mine, I never drank or touched it, but since i was in the same group, I got charged with possesion. Several of us were charged, and only a couple HAD been drinking, so now I have a court date. I haven't hardly talked to them since, like i said, they're not really people i usually hang out with. So because of that one night, I am totally confused about if this is going to go on my record and what the normal sentence is for this. I am hoping to be let off, but is this possible? Again, this was only one night and the only time i had been alone with these people, who have been known to drink and party. I need as much advice as you can offer! It is VERY appreciated.
Thank you!
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