Alcohol & Drugs: MIP, MIC, Intoxication underage consumption in ga

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New Member
i am 15 years old with nothing on my record except a loitering ticket two years ago. I was riding home with a friend at 3 am after hanging out at an open mike night at a bar. i had had a few sips of a friends alcoholic drink. after we arrived at my friends apartment an undercover cop pulled in after us and said we had a tail light out. my friend drove perfect and passed a field sobereity test but failed a breathilyzer. the cop asked me if i had had anything to drink. at first i said no but he kept asking me so i admitted drinking some. the cop wrote me a ticket that said i was heavily intoxicated and that i said i had a few beers from a local bar. 1 my mom couldn't tell i had anything to drink and 2 i told the cop that i did not have anything from any of the businesses. i was not given any tests or asked for any details, the cops completely made up the charge on the ticket. Any Advice?
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