Alcohol & Drugs: MIP, MIC, Intoxication Underage charge in PA

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I'm 18... Me and a friend were drinking at his house, we stopped drinking and he went to bed, I was an idiot and tried driving home, wrecked then drove back to his house and his brother woke his parents to tell them I was drinking and wrecked, I fell asleep on the couch and his parents were concerned about his breathing and called 911 for him.... the ambulance and police showed up and saw me sleeping on the couch with a few minor scratches on my head so they breathalyzed me and took me to the hospital. I was way over the limit with a .2 something. A few days later I got a call saying I was being charged with underage drinking and couldn't be charged with D.U.I. because they couldn't find were I wrecked and didn't pull me over. And they also couldn't find the bottle of liquor. What are my defense if any in this case?
You need to contact a criminal defense attorney. Those PBTs aren't known to be wholly accurate. They are also supposed to observe you for 15-20 minutes before giving you a valid breath test. Hopefully, you can get out of this.

But, don't do it again.
hello buddy how are you dear i read your comment it's great i like it dear i learn alot of things from your comment i hope everyone likes your post dear thanx for this information.

When a minor is cited for underage drinking, the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PENNDOT) will issue a 90 day license suspension. A second offense will result in a 1 year suspension. These are administrative actions and are completely separate from the juvenile court proceedings. Even if your child complies with every order and requirement of the court, a drivers' license suspension will still be issued.

At The Law Offices Of Basil D. Beck III, I help minors who have received suspension notices from the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PENNDOT). My Norristown law firm has helped hundreds of drivers retain their driving privileges in the Philadelphia area. To learn about your family's legal options in an underage drinking suspension, call me at to arrange a free initial consultation.

Although the PENNDOT license suspension notices are mandatory, you can challenge them. If you want to contest a suspension, it is important to talk to an experienced license suspension lawyer as soon as possible. My Norristown law office handles PENNDOT suspension cases for minors involving:

* Underage drinking
* Drag racing
* Breathalyzer refusal
* Leaving the scene of an accident

will smith

Trial Attorneys-Trial Attorneys
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