Unclear plates.

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New Member
I'm from New jersey and this happened in my local town of Fairview. I also received 2 other tickets this day for a total of 4. I was issued obstruction of view 39:3-74 and safety glass 39:74.

I was issued 2 tickets for unclear plates. My front plate was missing and I had a frame around the back one. When the cop pulled me over he issued me TWO tickets, both tickets were the same 39.3-33 unclear plates. It says "plates" plural so how can I get 2 tickets at the same time? Also the cop wrote his ID number but he signed with a "X" type line no signature. There were 2 cops in the car each one wrote me unclear plates ticket.... SO two cops and four tickets each one wrote me 2 and each one wrote an unclear plates ticket. It sounds like "plates" refers to both plates am I missing something here.
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Sounds confusing. Simply appear in court on the day indicated and the judge can sort it out. You likelyshould have one infraction for missing the front plate and one infraction for the obstructed rear plate.... both are pretty lame. I suspect you either annoyed them and they felt like nit-picking or one of them was a trainee learning how to write tickets.
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