tuition reimbursement

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In my divorce settlement it specifies that both parents split the cost of tuition and schooling "public or private" My ex has refused to help pay for our sons education stating that in the joint custody parental agreement he gets to participate in the decision of which school our son attends ... He did not want to participate in the investigation of several schooling options for our son.

Our son graduated from the number one public school in Illinois according to the tribune and sun times. He was diagnosed gifted and went to a school that challenged him 2 grade levels above his grade, taught him French and Latin. He excelled there. The high school of choice would be a selective enrollment public school however they only look at 7th grade criteria and our son missed 13 days of school with strept throat, mono, and cosal chondritis, resulting in 2 B's and therefore not accepted.

The father wants him to go to the neighborhood school with a 52% graduation rate, ACT average of 16, and a currently over 700 cased of violence pending in the chicago police dept from the school.

Do I have a chance at getting financial help from his father? Mediation was a waste and the father said nothing would change his mind about which school he would rather our son go to. What websites can help me?
You don't need websites, you need lawyers and judges.
If your agreement says that he owes half, then he owes half! If the agreement says nothing about how or who will decide which school, then you have an issue that needs to go back to the court if he is refusing to pay. Collecting the money is the real trick... but perhaps an order from the court telling him that his son gets to choose his own school will be more persuasive than the two of you arguing it out.
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