Alcohol & Drugs: MIP, MIC, Intoxication traffking

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New Member
if you get stop by the police and nonthing in the car and they find somthing in sombody eles car can they charge you
if you get stop by the police and nonthing in the car and they find somthing in sombody eles car can they charge you
That depends on whether or not they can tie you to knowledge and/or control over the stuff in that other person's car.

- Carl
i didnt no he had nonthing in there
What were you charged with? And in what state?

Why did they charge you if they found stuff that was not in your car? It's almost certain that they had some evidence (or thought they had some evidence) that tied you to the substance in the other car.

If you'd like some input on your situation, you're going to have to explain what happened. Otherwise, all we can suggest is that you seek out an attorney who can look at your particular case.

- Carl
What were you charged with? And in what state?

Why did they charge you if they found stuff that was not in your car? It's almost certain that they had some evidence (or thought they had some evidence) that tied you to the substance in the other car.

If you'd like some input on your situation, you're going to have to explain what happened. Otherwise, all we can suggest is that you seek out an attorney who can look at your particular case.

- Carl
i was on the hiway and he said we was trailing
i was on the hiway and they said we was trailing
Hopefully for you their proof of this is weak.

Consult local counsel ASAP. Only a local attorney who can obtain copies of the police reports and any evidence against you can make an effective determination of your case.

- Carl
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