Traffic Ticket Question

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New Member
I got pulled over for speeding and the officer wrote my liscense plate number wrong. Instead of a "T" he put an "I" and the "I" is what shows up online if i was going to pay it. Would i have any chance in fighting it? Or should i say screw it and pay it? Thanks for the help.


Also my girlfriend was driving my truck to work the other day (not listed on my insurance) and she got pulled over at a green light turn lane for obstructing traffic because her tail end was a little in the side road intersection according to the cop. She really wasnt. He claimed first off that she would have been obstructing traffic IF the light turned red, but it was still green. he and another cop pulled her over and about 8 others who were doing the same thing one after another. He came up right away and started rwriting her a ticket and said here sign it and he never explained what she did so she asked him what she did, his response was "psssh what did u do" finally he explained what he was writing a ticket for. he NEVER checked her insurance or anything just looked at her liscense, never even ran it and wrote her a ticket for something that she MAY have done if the light turned red. i just dont think it is right. any comments? what she we do with this one?

get rid of the bright red truck right?? :p
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No Auto Insurance

Also my girlfriend was driving my truck to work the other day (not listed on my insurance)

I think you need to go down to the station and complain that the officer was not performing his job. How can we keep the roads safe from slackers without insurance if the officer doesn't check. I hope you get him fired.
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