Traffic Ticket Annapolis - Go to Court?

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I was just pulled over in a "crosswalk sting" in Annapolis by an undercover officer who jumped out in front of me in a crosswalk. I swerved to avoid him but continued through the crosswalk and was pulled over by the uniformed officer on the other side. The ticket was for "failure to yield at a pedestrian crosswalk." I have a Florida drivers license but from what I can tell, Maryland will report the ticket to Florida and I'll get an insurance hike. I'm not concerned about the fine but I don't want my insurance rates to go up. Should I go to court? I know that sometimes a judge will give "Probation Before Judgement" (which would would entail points on my record) for people who go to court but I've only heard of this for speeding violations. Is "Probation Before Judgement" an option for traffic violations as well?

Any answers or advice will be appreciated. I'm living in Maryland for the next few months so making the court date won't be a problem.
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