Trademark Infringement

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New Member
My jurisdiction is: Thailand


Greeting to all friends.
I just get the notification email from "" say that my domain "" is trademark infringement. But before I register this domain, I did research on USPTO.GOV website and cannot find any record of "mysomename" for trademark registered.

I do a research on USPTO again and see that they do trademark for "somename" and "".

Please kindly advise, how should I do? Is my domain trademark infringement?
Any advise would be really appreciated.
Thank you very much.
Much of the time - at least from what I've seen - the demands are nonsense, designed to scare people into turning over their valuable property. This could be one of them. I'm not sure what the trademarks are for and they have no right if they are for drawings. For example, the trademark is on their logo not the right to use the words. Nobody can trademark common words alone, only in connection with a certain type of good if it is fanciful or arbitrary usage, e.g. moonlight shoes (you wouldn't use the word "moonlight" in connection to shoes.)

I don't know the name or domain so I can't comment more.
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