Originally posted by oliverosobrien
Under section 727 of the bankruptcy code, an individual cannot obtain receive a discharge of debts if the debtor has (1) received a chapter 7 or chapter 11 discharge within the six years preceding the filing of the petition or (2) has received a chapter 12 or chapter 13 discharge in a case that paid less than 70% to the allowed unsecured creditors and was filed in the six years preceding the filing of this petition.
So if you filed a chapter 7 on February 19, 2004. You would be eligible for a discharge so long as the prior chapter 7 or chapter 11 case resulting in discharge was filed prior to Feb 18, 1998. If you filed a chapter 12 or 13 after Feb. 18, 1998 you may still be able to get a discharge in the new chapter 7 IF you paid 70% of the allowed secured claims in your prior case.
Good Luck!