Ticket for Failure to maintain reasonable distance


New Member
I received a ticket last week for Failure to drive reasonable distance apart. I was on a back road marked 45 mph. There was normal light traffic. I was about almost 2 car lengths behind the car in front of me. We were going 40 mph (not even the speed limit). I was pulled over by a State Trooper (they have a barracks up the road in RT 63 Bethany. He took my information and then when he came back gave me a ticket saying unfortunately for me that they were "enforcing tonight" and I had to reply guilty or not guilty by mail before the date on the ticket. There was no accident. The driver in front never hit his brakes and I had plenty of space to stop as he is not a stationary object either and I could easily stop at the same rate or faster than the car in front of me (as I was watching the car closely because he was only going 40 in a 45 (which I mentioned to the officer). I find it ridiculous I would receive 3 points for this when I really feel I didn't do anything wrong. I cant find anything online citing exactly what reasonable distance is. There are Theoretical formulas but they don'y factor in that both of the cars were moving at the same speed with that buffer. AAA says 3 second rule is a good distance.. I plan to fight this but am looking for advice. Thanks!
I received a ticket last week for Failure to drive reasonable distance apart. I was on a back road marked 45 mph. There was normal light traffic. I was about almost 2 car lengths behind the car in front of me. We were going 40 mph (not even the speed limit). I was pulled over by a State Trooper (they have a barracks up the road in RT 63 Bethany. He took my information and then when he came back gave me a ticket saying unfortunately for me that they were "enforcing tonight" and I had to reply guilty or not guilty by mail before the date on the ticket. There was no accident. The driver in front never hit his brakes and I had plenty of space to stop as he is not a stationary object either and I could easily stop at the same rate or faster than the car in front of me (as I was watching the car closely because he was only going 40 in a 45 (which I mentioned to the officer). I find it ridiculous I would receive 3 points for this when I really feel I didn't do anything wrong. I cant find anything online citing exactly what reasonable distance is. There are Theoretical formulas but they don'y factor in that both of the cars were moving at the same speed with that buffer. AAA says 3 second rule is a good distance.. I plan to fight this but am looking for advice. Thanks!

You might ask about "deferred adjudication" or mention its other name, "deferred disposition" - or - "traffic school".

Its a very rare bird who ever catches a worm defending himself or herself before a traffic court.

Good luck.
You might want to talk to a traffic law attorney. He/she generally can get you a better outcome than if you fight the ticket yourself.