Think I might be able to get this dismissed?

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New Member
I just got the discovery request back from the state regarding a speeding ticket in Redmond, WA (King County). There's a stamp on the copy of the ticket they sent that says "Filed Redmond Courthouse MAR 08 2005". I got the ticket on Mar. 3. Can I get this dismissed for not filing in a timely manner? I think I read somewhere that it needs to be filed within 2 business days. Hearing's tomorrow morning.

Infraction dismissed


So I had my hearing and got the infraction dismissed because the trooper did not file it with the court within 2 business days. HOWEVER, the judge said that it could be re-filed. Does that mean I could see this come back?!? :confused:

I thought once it was dismissed, it is gone.

Thanks lwpat -- and thanks for all of your advice on here. It was really helpful in preparing for my hearing.
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