Therapy Cat Laws


New Member
My therapy cat was tortured by children in my neighborhood friday, as well as the neighbors cat. The cats were on my neighbors porch which is directly in front of my front door, well about 30 yards away. These children walked by my front door whicb was open, peeked inside, they knew I was home. Then four kids proceeded to throw sticks, and one had a shovel. When I seen this I walked outside, didnt say a word, and proceeded to pick up my cat she ran from me, which she never does. When I got outside I noticed one kid had a shove, the kids said nothing during this. I brought her inside and have since only let her outside once under my supervision at all times. I hate that she cannot be in my yard now because of this and was wondering what the laws were in this case. I am going to give a certified copy of this perscription to my landlord tomorrow to further cover any problems that may arise. Please to anyone reading this I would love further advice in this matter.
How can your cat be for therapeutic purposes if it is roaming about the neighborhood and sleeping on other people's porches? If you see these kids torturing animals, call the police of SPCA. Or, let their parents know what you saw them do. You don't say how old these kids were. It doesn't sound like yours was tortured and I'm not sure why you think the kids would torture the cat in your yard.
A therapy cat that hates you and runs the streets does not sound very therapeutic. What is your expectation? I can guarantee the landlord is not going to sit in your front yard babysitting your cat for you, with or without a doctors note.
My therapy cat was tortured by children in my neighborhood friday, as well as the neighbors cat. The cats were on my neighbors porch which is directly in front of my front door, well about 30 yards away. These children walked by my front door whicb was open, peeked inside, they knew I was home. Then four kids proceeded to throw sticks, and one had a shovel. When I seen this I walked outside, didnt say a word, and proceeded to pick up my cat she ran from me, which she never does. When I got outside I noticed one kid had a shove, the kids said nothing during this. I brought her inside and have since only let her outside once under my supervision at all times. I hate that she cannot be in my yard now because of this and was wondering what the laws were in this case. I am going to give a certified copy of this perscription to my landlord tomorrow to further cover any problems that may arise. Please to anyone reading this I would love further advice in this matter.

No one cares about cats.

If you observe anyone torturing animals, call your local police agency.

There's absolutely nothing a few strangers can do about a few off kilter kids abusing cats hundreds of miles away from them.

Besides, maybe the cats were attacking the little kids and they got the shovel to protect themselves from the vicious, feral felines.

Maybe the therapy cat will need therapy now. LOL
Please to anyone reading this I would love further advice in this matter.

Just exactly what type of advice are you looking for? If your cat is being "abused", tell the kids' parents, contact the SPCA, APA, or call the police. There isn't much else you can do.