Tennis Courts - Florida

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New Member
After receiving verbal promises from the development company that the land next to me would not be used for anything other than maybe a parking lot, they decided to build an actively used tennis court within 30 yards of my home (lights and all). The noise that is created from the hitting and yelling makes it unbearable to be outside or have windows open during most hours of the day and into the early evening. Aside from the impact on my living standards, I also believe it will now be virtually impossible to sell my house.

Broadly speaking, do you think I have any case here? There are tons of details but I just wanted to receive a broad based opinion.

Many thanks for the help.
As long as the property has the applicable zoning and use permits, I see no cause of action.

You and the other party had no contract.

You could have been operating under a promise.

A promise absent consideration isn't a contract.

Therefore, you have no breach without a contract.
Agreed, the time to fight this was before the court was built.
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