tenants rights

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New Member
back around last Christmas the apartment building i live in(which i am moving real soon)had a major roof leaking,which caused ceiling to collaspe and major water running down the walls,try to make a long story short,my place was considered untentable for at least 2 months due to the damage and the machines that were in aprtment,my renters ins. put me in a hotel for a month,but i was out of work for 5 months due to surgery on my shoulder,had to return to my apartment even though repairs werent done due the roof not yet repaired,if my place like other tenants apartments were considered untentable why is the landlord allowed to charge rent for those months when his ins. should be paying this right?and the landlord submitted a letter to us that his ins. company would pay the high electric bills during this time because it got extremely cold and our bills went way up,and he has refused to pay these bills which now i have paid,but during this time i was only getting a small disability check had to pay them out of my disability check at the time which really created a major hardship,i have been slowly catching back up,by paying weekly or bi weekly,but know he gave me a 5 day to pay or quit,but it was only filled out by him and no dates,just saying that i owe for Sept. onlyand i have informed them that due too my hardship i am moving out by the end of this month,i had previously given them notice way back last nov. but then i blew my shoulder out then having surgery,didnt go back to work till late may.so this is the mess i am in,i know that 5 day notice is illegal,scare tatic,but my company is going to advance me what i owe,just think he would change my locks or steal something out of my apartment if i wasnt here,he wrote on the 5 day notice the 4 of sept. but didnt hang it on my door till the next day,what can i do,i have sent all the pictures,letters,etc. to the state consumer affairs which they also believe he is in the wrong,i know hes trying to pull a fast one,can anyone helpme?
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