Tenant vs Landlord

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New Member
If anyone is familiar with canadian law and the tenant/landlord rights, can they please give me some advice?
I moved into a new place a week ago, and it was a total mess...completely under construction when the landlord told me previous to signing the lease that the work would be all done. If that isn't enough, the key they gave me to lock my room doesn't work and they knew this (yet in the lease it states the landlord isn't responsible for stolen or damaged items). While I was out someone went into my room since my things were moved around. The next day the landlord's handyman was in my room without any permission from me and without any notice at all. The handyman is there doing construction things well past 8pm, and there is never any written or verbal notice whatsoever. Also, he said that internet was included in the rent price (its clearly stated in the lease) but he has a router for 4 people at the moment when its a 6 bedroom house.
Also, the roomates I live with are total randoms and they are very loud etc. When I spoke to the landlord about this he told me he would go yell at them, so now I am totally afraid to even go into the house...there have been other issues regarding feeling unsafe as well. It was so bad that I actually moved out of the house.
So I guess what I'm asking is, if I took him to the landlord/tenant board, would I have a good case? I REALLY want out of this lease and he won't let me, so I need to take matters into my own hands.
Does it matter that the lease dates are wrong? as in, its written 'may 1st 08-april 30th 08'... is the contract valid if its written wrong?
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