tenant-tenant: Menacing behavior related to gender identity

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I'm currently a tenant in an apartment building. My next door neighbor-tenant was served a 30-day eviction notice today, based on numerous issues.

I'm one of the complainers against this neighbor. I've complained about the noise of his parrot -- I'm one of many complainers about noise coming from his apartment, and complained at one point to my city's Animal Control department.

I hadn't been complaining about his bird until he came over to my front door twice to complain that other neighbors and the landlord were complaining about his bird. Essentially, he was trying to draw me into his landlord-tenant dispute so that I would get publicly on his side, and this behavior of trying to draw me in actually was the catalyst for me to begin my complaining about him to the landlord about him and his bird.

I've been the target of his personal harassment for complaining to the landlord. Also, he's complained about me to other neighbors who are complaining about him, using terms such as "it" and "that" to describe me. He's using those terms as pejoratives specifically because I'm transgender.

When he was served notice this morning, he yelled "F--- you!" at the top of his lungs, and unbeknownst to me at the time he was directing that expletive towards me. Two other neighbors got between him and my apartment door as he was marching to my apartment, and got in a verbal fight about him not going to my apartment to harass me. Apparently, the other two neighbors were concerned that it may become physical on his part -- he was that angry and menacing in his approach to my apartment. Police were called, they responded, and documentation was taken.

If the harassment directed at me was being done by my landlord and based in part on my gender identity or gender expression, then the changes that AB196 made to California's FEHA would apply to any discriminatory or harassing behavior. I'm not sure how FEHA law/regulations effects tenant to tenant behavior, and if my landlord's eviction of this neighbor-tenant due in part to my complaints about his bird, and due to his previous gender identity related harassment should be the last word -- considering my neighbors menacing behavior today.

Thank you for your assistance on figuring out what I should do next -- if anything.
Got no idea on the trans gender issues but if

he is menacing enough that he had to be restrained and the police came you might check into getting a restraining order.
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