tenant not paying rent/causing problems

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New Member
I have a tenant who hasn't been paying rent for over 3 months. She is currently paying month to month. She has been really annoying. The window has been opened even though its really cold outside and the heat is turned on. She moved someone without telling us and is denying it. That person also threaten to hurt my son. What can i do to resolve this problem?
If she moved someone in withuot permission and that person has threatened to harm your son, file a RO.

You might want to research the landlord tenant act but you need to serve her an eviction notice ASAP.

That is the legal way to do it anyways. You can also let her know her friend she moved in is no longer welcome here and that she has 2 weeks to find a place to live otherwise the locks will be changed. If i had a child there I would kick them out asap. Be sure to get a forwarding address so that you can forward her mail, and court papers so you can sue her for back rent.
Thank you for your advice. I still have one question before going on to an eviction process. My tenant still owes me, when i evict them can i sue at the same time or after the eviction. But if i evict them how will i be able to contact her?
She still owes me 3 months rent, so when she gets evicted she aren't going to give me her new address. The eviction process is going to take a long time. The tenant moved someone without tell me. I tried calling the police to get him but they couldn't do anything but she denies that hes living there. Is there any way to get him out my house or prove that he lives there? He seems a menacing person and has threaten to hurt my soon. I am worried he might cause damages.
The previous recommendations included looking into getting a restraining order out on him.

Yes; the eviction process may take a long time and yes, you may never see a penny of what she owes. Still, things will be better than what they are now, won't they.

If he has threatned your child tell him he is no longer welcome there and if he comes back again you will call the police for trespassing. I would file a restraining order. I don't know why you did not do this when he first started causing problems. NY has some very tough laws on eviction. You can tell this person they are to leave or you eill change the locks to see if that is enough to get them out. not the legal way but if this person is a bum and not paying anything anyways, not sure if they will do anything. If this other person does not live there by own admission of this person, tell them they are not to come on this property anymore.
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