television news really screwed up!

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New Member
My local news channel( sounds small but this is seattle so it's kind of large) had a reporter do a three part expose on the news. It was about airport baggage handlers and theft of items in personal luggage.There were many segments to the expose but I will list the ones that affect me!

1. video footage of a contracted baggage handler convicted of theft, he was shown flipping off the camera etc..

2. segment was introduced as "this is how an airline employees attempting to steal would by-pass security with their personal bags, carrying stolen items", whereas they show several employees including myself in uniform entering a secure door with our security badges and bags, they only showed my face. the others were faded out.
Do I have a case for-Defamation or character-I represent the world wide corporation who employs me in a public position according to our employee rules book.
a. I also hold a seal of the united states customs department, therefore I represent that office.

libel- Broadcast on a fixed medium of television news

violating my right to privacy-they never advised me they were filming my image or had me sign a consent form when my footage became part of the story.

false endorsement- I never offered any testimonial.

Intentional and negligent infliction of emotional stress- Several co-workers who watched the program live and immediately recognized me and called me.
The next day a dozen employees were talking about this. some with mistrust issues.
I don't know what travelers saw it, let alone family and friends.

What should I do? there are many serious emotional aspects of this affecting myself and my employment.

Also I found this example-
"ABC News producers shot footage featuring close-up shots of a black woman walking down the street as the voice-over commented on the number of black prostitutes who cruise for white johns. The woman featured was not a prostitute but an ordinary pedestrian, unaware that she was being photographed for the story. When she sued for defamation, the court held that the broadcast was to be considered defamation.
Do you have $30K and three years to find out if you have a case?
I'm still looking for a pro bono plumber!

If you think you can find a lawyer to do it for free, then go for it.
By the way seniorjudge I do have 30k and three years! I truly feel that my rights were violated beyond just feeling used or put down! I just posted to find out if I do have a good case or will they settle ooc. what is my next step-I meet w/a lawyer in 4 days!
Go for it.

The problem, of course, of these "It's not the money it's the principle of the thing" lawsuits is you will never know when you when.

Good lawyers avoid such lawsuits.
Go for it.

The problem, of course, of these "It's not the money it's the principle of the thing" lawsuits is you will never know when you when.

Good lawyers avoid such lawsuits.
Be not niggardly of what costs thee nothing, as courtesy, counsel, & countenance

The aspect of money concerning my case is that the company I work for, their policy on theft is the top disciplinary offense! It is also all union, and theft is one of two things an employee can get terminated for and the union can't do anything about it. Also because I also represent the U.S. customs agency and work in one of the most security sensitive areas(commercial aircraft) that dept. could also request my termination! The news without a dought has labeled me a thief! Therefore my job is in Jeopardy! For me to get a comparable job would take a year, to get comparable pay, another year, so 2 years pay at least monetarily?
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