Teenage Pregnancy and Marriage

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New Member
Hi all, first off I'd like to thank anyone in advance for helping.

My situation is that my girlfriend and I (both age 16) are pregnant, and we live in the State of Washington.
We are both excited that we're pregnant, we've wanted to get married for the past year (Same the age flaming for someone who hasn't heard it before, please.) so the fact that we're pregnant isn't an issue, but we're both concerned about the legalities of the situation.

To be honest we're both a little bit scared because we don't want any legal trouble with this, especially since we both want to get married and raise the child together, and I work full time and am not wanting to seek any help from the state.
I personally can't see any snags we could run into, other than a freak situation with her parents (They don't know yet, we only just found out today), but then again I'm not the most knowledgeable in these matters, and that's why I'm here.

So, in short, do you think we'll run into any trouble at all?

Once again any help is much appreciated, especially the encouraging kind. :)

I'm not sure what legalities you're concerned about. If you're concerned about being charged with a sexual offense, I don't think you have to worry since you are the same age. A quick look at the Washington statutes shows that sexual crimes against minors include provisions that the offender be at least 24 months older than the victim.

If you are concerned about her parents, then you need to know that they can prevent and prohibit you from seeing her again until she is 18.

If you are concerned about your ability to marry, then here's a link to the legal requirements in Washington. Please note the requirements for minors, shown below.


To be legally married in Washington, you must conform to certain eligibility and application requirements and have a valid marriage license.

The legal age for both male and female applicants is 18 years. If younger than 18, permission of one's father, mother or guardian is required; applicants under the age of 17 must also have the consent of the Superior Court. If either party is under the age of majority (18 years) when marrying, he or she voluntarily gives up the parent's obligation for his or her support; in legal terminology, this is called "emancipation."
Jack, I do realize that we'll need consent to marry underage.
I have a grasp on the situation, and I realize what's going on.
All I'm trying to do is get some help figuring out the details, as Irish has so graciously aided me in doing.

Now, Irish, or anyone else, on the assumption that we have parental consent on both sides, what do you think the chances are for us being able to get married?
I know in Washington State, minors can get exceptions made under "Special Circumstances", and I do think this would be considered a special circumstance, but that's all the info I have.
What are your thoughts?

Thank you again for all your help :)
My guess, and it's only a guess, is that if BOTH sets of parents agree, and you can prove that you can support your new family, then you will probably be allowed to marry.
Dont know if it is the same in WA, but in most states while a minor is pregnant they are considered emancipated until that child is born. Her parents should have no say in the marriage process.
Newsinglemom please do not give bad incorrect advice. A minor is not emancipated once she makes the poor choice of getting pregnant! She is "medically" emancipated. Meaning she can make medical decision for both her and her child only! She is not emancipated and still lives under parental rule
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