Suing Discount Tire- Legit claim- tire came off on highway

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New Member
I live in Chicago, IL and on 4/23/2008 I had this happen to me:

I went to Discount Tires yesterday to get my new rear tires. Everything was fine until 10PM that night. I was coming home from work and I was going 55-60 MPH in the express lane and my left-rear tire comes off! After I pulled over (which there was very little shoulder room as this was the express lanes) I look at the wheel and the bolts aka lug nuts were missing! I'm lucky as are the people that were around me that the tire did not completely come off and cause a serious accident/death.

On the receipt they wrote that the car's left-rear tire has only three lug nuts; when I went to to them to get my new rear tires I had all 4 lug nuts, but one of the lug nuts' face was cut- meaning the entire screw was there but just the face wasn't. Nevertheless, all the bolts came off, which means they weren't screwed in all the way. Also, I checked the right wheel today and I had to tighten the lug nuts as well!! I took the necessary pictures. On Monday, I will contact I-dot and the State police (all were there at the scene) to get a copy and validate my claim. I will also be contacting a lawyer if I really have a case.

This is like attempted murder/reckless endangerment- they should be liable for being so reckless. If this happened to me it could definiatley happen to somebody else.

Please help me,
Thank you.
What is your legal question for us?
Just be thankful you weren't injured and move on. Make them aware of the problem so it doesn't happen again. But, as far as actually suing them for attempted murder.....not so much.
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