Sueing an ex-spouses company

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I have been holding out going after my ex's company for knowing and allowing him to use his company cell phone and company computer to carry-on affairs during work time and while away on business trips. I have papers and photos from one of the the women co-workers he was cheating with. I would like to know if I have a case or if it is even worthwhile to pursue this. I have been holding off for 2 years now because the ex had been paying support and then suddenly stopped all support. I have been harassed and tormented by both of them for the whole time. Please if anybody can give he information or an answer I would appreciate their help.

Thanks, Mary
The fact that he used the company computers and cell phone (no doubt in violation of company policy) does not give you any kind of case against the employer. He was not conducting the affair as a representative of his employer or under their direction.

You are wasting your time trying to make his employer responsible.
...I have been holding out going after my ex's company for knowing and allowing him to use his company cell phone and company computer to carry-on affairs during work time and while away on business trips....

And how do you intend to prove this in court?
Even if he was brought up on it two times before his supervisors and was put on his record! There are 2 reprimands put in his personal file at work. I know because he and his boss told me of them.
I have dated emails and phone records of one woman he was having an affair with from his work place. In the things she has forwarded to me is pictures of him and his superiors with the woman he was having the affair with. This woman has agreed that if she is needed to verify things is willing to do so. There is a large box of so many emails and phone records and personal things sent to her from his work place. Isn't any of this good for anything!
Not if your intent is to sue the employer, since you have no case against the employer.
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