Sued twice for the same thing

Sharon Hall

New Member
The judgement states 2016 Plaintiff agrees not to take any collection or enforcement against Defendant or levy the judgement as long as payments are made. Paid in full in 2017.
Now 2019 being sued again for the exactly the same thing
Now 2019 being sued again for the exactly the same thing

Your defense is "res judicata".
The matter has been settled.
You paid in full.
You appear in court with PROOF the judgment was "satisfied".
If things are as you recite, the plaintiff will receive a hot, juicy, non-fat NOTHINGBURGER.
If you have been served a summons and complaint you file an answer raising the previous judgment and agreement as an affirmative defense and move for dismissal with prejudice.
Cool story. Do you have a question?

When you called the plaintiff's attorney to ask why he/she was suing you for something that was already adjudicated, what response did you receive?