Subtenant ?

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New Member

I am currently subletting an aprtment in the Borough of the Bronx, NY since Nov 2007. I had agreed to pay half of the rent, which to my understanding was 500 per month and half of the utilties, which I was told would be $20- for a grand total of 520 per month. I come to find out that my roomate, (who still has the apartment under his deceased's grandmother's name to keep the rent controlled) is $772 per month!!! :no: So I am paying more than half of my share in rent- and needless to say I'm pretty upset about it. Is this legal? How do I approach my roomate with the situation at hand? He is away until the end of June--he comes down on the weekend and I would like to discuss this among other issues that are bothering me in the house before any animocity grows- b/c the seed hath been planted- whatbothers me the most is that I am paying for most of the rent and I have the smaller room!! I need advice asap!!!
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