subpoena for an 80 y/o

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New Member
I hate to bother anyone but I need some direction. My mother has recieved a subpoena in a drug case against one of her grandchildren. The grandchild is trying to get my mother to lie for him. The stress of this is going to kill her. How or what can be done to get the subpoena withdrawn? Or is that even an option?
Q: How or what can be done to get the subpoena withdrawn? Or is that even an option?

A: You and grandma need to have a serious talk with the prosecutor.
Thank you for being so quick to answer. So we need to talk with the prosecutor even though the subpoena was sent by the defendants attorney, correct? We have tried to contact the prosecutor yet the phone personnel says that he is not allowed to talk with anyone reguarding the case. How can we get someone in his office to listen?
Talk to the victims assistance folks in the prosecutor's office.
Thank you. I will try that. The case is up for trial on 3-11-08. I will let you know what happens. Thanks again for the information.
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