Any ideas on this:
Case in California - 2 defendants - 1 public, 1 private - Constitututional claims asserted vs. the public D, in an amended complaint, then the private D files for removal per 1441 (joinder by public D).
Is the private D just trying to get the tort claims adjudicated at the Fed. level? If so, can't the P move to have the tort claims remanded?
Just curious as to the benfit to the private D of removing.
Case in California - 2 defendants - 1 public, 1 private - Constitututional claims asserted vs. the public D, in an amended complaint, then the private D files for removal per 1441 (joinder by public D).
Is the private D just trying to get the tort claims adjudicated at the Fed. level? If so, can't the P move to have the tort claims remanded?
Just curious as to the benfit to the private D of removing.