Alcohol & Drugs: MIP, MIC, Intoxication Stopped By Police and Caught With Drugs

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New Member
I was caught by the police in Fort Lauderdale, FL w/ 3.5 grams of Methamphetamine. An informant for the Fort Lauderdale Police requested that I purchase this amount for him, which I did.

When he initially approached me, I told him I wasn't a dealer -- I didn't even know how much that amount would cost. I called the person I knew, he gave me a price and I told the informant. Once I"d picked up the drugs from the dealer I knew and gave it to the informant, the police stopped my car, made us get out and seized the drugs. They asked me what happened -- I explained. They drove me to the police station. But they didn't read me my rights, and they didn't arrest me. They asked if I knew anyone else who I could 'set-up' for them. I said I knew someone -- we tried to reach that person but he didn't get back to me. So they let me go and said we would try again in the next few days.

What do I do? Can I still be arrested? I would rather not get involved in turning other people in if at all possible.
Yes, you can still be charged and arrested. They are offering you a potential "out" of you current charges and if you fail to live up to their expectations, you will face the consequences of your original actions. Whether you want to cooperate is entirely up to you.

However, it might be best for you to consult an attorney before considering setting anyone up. That way, if you do cooperate, your attorney can make sure the deal is formalized and your interests are protected. If you cannot afford an attorney, you will not be eligible for a court appointed one until you ARE charged and arraigned (or pending arraignment - depending on how it works in FL).
If you were wondering, from the way you describe it there does not seem to be any inappropriate action on the part of the police.
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