Stop sign ticket help

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New Member
Hi everyone, I'm looking for some advice here.

Last night around 8pm or so I pulled up to a 4-way stop intersection and was turning right. I signaled but didn't come to a complete stop, it was admittedly a rolling stop, and turned right. A moment later a police officer on a bicycle rode out in front of my car and told me to stop and roll down my window. He ended up writing me a ticket for failure to yield to a stop sign.

Some misc facts: It was dark, raining, and there were no other cars around. Columbus, OH. The officer was sitting in the carport of private apartment building before "pulling me over".

So what would be in my best interest to do here? I have 4 points on my record already and this will be another 2 if convicted. The ticket fine is $126.

I don't see any way of getting the ticket dropped (unless the cop doesn't show to court), at this point I'm interested in seeing if I can get it reduced to a non-moving violation or something without points. What are my odds?

Omigosh I would be so embarrassed if a police officer on a bike got me :)

I would normally say that traffic school is your best bet, but with 4 points already I bet that isn't an option for you. It seems you are gonna have to suck this one up. The citation seems quite legitimate.

No... the location of the officer is not at all an issue. What matters is that you committed the violation and got caught.

Your best bet might be just as you said... get a trial date and hope the officer doesn't show. 50-50 chance. With 4 points already, don't expect a reduction.
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