Stole Check And Used it online

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New Member
Yesterday i stole my grandpas check and used the numbers online for a 20 dollar online game. it said it will be processed. will he find out and report it? im scared ill get in trouble i need help im just a minor. this was in north carolina. :(
Well technically yes you can get into trouble because he did not give you permission to do this. He will evnetually find out about it. He will either ask you about it OR call the bank and file a dispute.

Stop doing this! If I were you, i would fess up to him and tell him you are sorry and will not do it again. That way he is much likely to pursue this with authorities.

Honesty is the best policy. Tell your grandpa before he learns about it the hard way. Is this the first time you have done something like this? If not now would be a good time to own up to it, talk to a trusted friend, relative, pastor or other professional. Trust me from my own experience getting away with things like this lead to other bigger problems. :)
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