Shoplifting, Larceny, Robbery, Theft Still Haven't Received Civil Demand

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New Member
Hello everyone, I posted on here awhile ago. It has been about 7 months and I have still heard NO word from the store I shoplifted from. I gave correct info, admitted guilt, signed papers, etc. No police were involved and the items were just over $100.

Since it has been so long, should I assume that this horrible chapter in my life is over and move on?

I realized something today that I forgot about in my last post. I remember the LP saying that he was not on duty at the time and just "noticed something fishy." Is this possibly why they chose to not charge me? Like a lack of evidence or the LP did not do his "steps?"

Thanks everyone in advance and Happy Holidays :)
Far as charges go we can only speculate which is not going to get answers just guesses. With 7 months going by I will assume one of two things might have happened

1. Store did not seek Civil Demand

2. There was some error in giving Civil Recovery service your info meanng your fine has likely tripled or more.

You can call the store ask for number to their Civil Recovery service and then call them and see if they ever got a request to seek Civil Demand from you
Okay thank you so much for the fast response. I really appreciate it.

I am scared to call them & find out because I don't want to bring attention to myself if it was thrown out or lost.

What are the chances that they decided to not send me one?
It would just a guess on if they did nor did not send and not much help. Far as drawing attention to yourself. They either got a request to seek Civil Demand or they did not calling wont change that! If they sent and made an error the fine has tripled or more. Best if that the case you get this resolved so they do not sue you. I canno tmake this choice for you but if it were anyone I knew I would suggest they call.
i was just wondering the same thing. Its been over a month and I still haven't received a civil demand letter. What are the chances that they decided not to send it to me? No police were called and no charges were filed against me, security just said they were going to file an "outside complaint" against me instead.
If I said the "chances" are slim it would be just a guess. I have heard of these letters in some cases taking months. It depends on how busy they are
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