statutory rape and parental rights

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My son is 17 years old and has a terminal illness. He recently had sex with a 27 year old woman and she is now claiming to be pregnant with his child. If it his his child there are some health concerns as his disorder is genetic. She appears to be quite unstable and is sending us both harassing and disturbing messages some even suggest she would like to harm the unborn child. She has shown to be pretty obsessed with my son but not concerned for the child. I have reason to believe she is using drugs while pregnant. What are my rights as the parent of a minor to demand paternity testing? And is there a possible statutory rape case here? Also any advice on actions I should be taking in case she proves to be an unfit parent? Thanks so much...I don't know where to start.
A paternity test cannot take place until after child is born. Furthermore ther eis no stat rape case until you give state as age of consent varies from state to state. Last proving her "unfit" isnt goingto happen until after child is born and she shows she is unfit. You can report to the Doctor of Hospital she has child at that you suspect drug use but they do not have to act on it
You need to first of all start googlinfg and find out what the age of consent is in your state. Since he is under 18 and she is 10 years older, it is possible a crime was committed. If you honestly feel the baby is in danger then you can call CPS right before she gives birth and they can show up at the hospital after she delivers and do a drug test. You can also call the police department and see if a crime has been committed. Normally DNA tests are not done in utero and you cannot force her to do one if she doesn't want to, until the baby is born.
Let me add something. Were you aware of this relationship? Were you aware they were having sex or sexual contact? Did you condone the relationship? By condone I mean did you do anything to stop it? If answer is yes to any of these questions you yourself could be in legal bind
The State is Arizona. I have checked and our age of consent is 18 I just don't know if the gender plays a role(all information I find is referring to male adults and female minors). I was not aware of this activity until she announced her pregnancy. My son was spending weekends with family friends and she lives upstairs from them. From what I've gathered it was on more than one occasion but never a romantic type of hook-up and lasted over a period of about a month. He then met someone his own age he was interested in and she became hostile and irrational. I have major doubts as to the paternity because this was all around 2 1/2 months ago and she looks about 4 months pregnant. I am not proud of his behavior nor do i justify it but I do feel it is necessary to look at his big picture. He has been ill most of his life and while that creates depth beyond his years in some areas it seems to have haltered his social development. When it comes to girls and interaction he is quite behind his years that is why i feel he was preyed upon. Again..not excusing this but it does alter things slightly. The awful texts she sends him(we just changed his number) were not things that any one I have known would be capable of saying...even if hormonal and in distress. I have tried to approach her calmly to exchange information about his disease that she should know and she refuses. she uses this only as a tool to try and provoke reaction form him.
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