Statute of Limitations

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New Member
In August 2002, I was involved in a car accident. The card I was carrying gave my ins. expiration date as late May. When I contacted the company, they said they had decided to discontinue offering car insurance in NYS. They said they sent a letter informing me of this, not registered, certified, but plain mail, which I never received. I sold the car, turned in the plates, rebought the car & reinsured it.

This past ,I received a notice from DMV, saying my license was suspended for failing to pay a judgement against me for damages to the other vehicle. I was even never served with a notice that there was even going to be trial. The judgement was vacated, and papers were sent to the DMV.

However, I still cannot get my license or renew my registration. I keep getting referred to the state Insurance Bureau. I've been too chicken to call them.

Is there some sort of statute of limitations on whether they can take action against me for this, even though it had been over 2 years? They never had sent me anything saying my insurance had lapsed, or I wouldn't have been in this position today. I've been renewing my license, registration, maintaining insurance coverage. the car is still insured, even though my license and reg are still suspended.
a happy ending

Fortunately, I wasn't invisable to everyone with a legal background. After a couple of days, I saw that my post was somehow unworthy of a response, and posted at Your With the nudge a respondant provided, and moral support, I did get in touch with them.

It turns out that, aside from DMV, they were yet another place which needed to have a copy of the vacated judgement. Apparently there is no such thing as DMV central, that wonderous mythical place where paperwork enters, and is distributed to the appropriate branches ; ).

The papers have been sent off via traceable mail. I should be able to start pestering them about processing around Tuesday. What a relief it will be to be legal, & resume having a life!
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