Statute of Limitation on Real Estate Fraud

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New Member
Trust deeds were prepared and given to investors as collateral on the money they invested in specific properties. The investor received interest on each investment at the onset with the promise of getting the original investment back in one year. When the deeds matured, the broker asked the investor to "roll over" the interest for another year. After investigating, the investor became aware that the deeds were not filed, the owner of the property was not even aware that the transaction took place, and the money was used for other purposes. Now the broker is asking for the chance to pay back all money owed. How long is the statute of limitation on this type of fraud?
When and where did all this happen?
In Ventura, California. The first trust deeds were given to me July 2007 and matured July 2008.
Reply to question "when and where did this take place?"

In Ventura, California. The trust deeds were given to me July 2007 and matured July 2008.
Boundary Theft

Almost all Real Estate, land and property boundary fraud is a local issue, affecting citizens ability to actually "own" their own property. In my community a "master plot plan" was developed around the 1940's in one neighborhood. This plot plan was developed for no other purpose than to streal land. They have followed this plan to cover up for at least two properties that has been "invented" out of the lands of other owners. Since that time and right up to today they have used at least 15 different frauds. For instance Property A on the left had a "survey" and plot plan drawn up where the scale used E to W is accurate but the N to S scale is wildly misrepresented to look like their property extends down another street and actually goes over another owner's house, property B. Threats that they would evict the rightful owners backed up by an unscrupulous Judge along with the wrongdoer being the chairperson of the Selectmen......On the other side of this house (which is the "target") Criminals have drawn up "quitclaim" deeds and registered them. These deeds have absolutely no validity other than they were fraudulent documents. Research back to origination has proved that: Property C on the left of the"target" legally had ownership of 1 and 3/4 acres but ended up "selling" 3 acres. Property B started off with 2 1/2 acres of legally acquired property but ended up with between 1 and 1 1/2 acre. Property A started off with 1 1/4 Acre but now has 1/3/4 acres. This is HUGE! Most fraudulent transactions occur when the owners of property B are ill, elderly, in crisis or the property is changing hands.

Threats Coersion, tricks along with all of these fraudulent documents has been very profitable. The local municipality is involved up to their necks to cover up fraudulently obtained "public land" bordering property B.

SO..........there is a website regarding property theft and the 1000 scams avail to steal land and real estate.... maybe will post the layout of this neighborhood and some of the many fraudulent transactions one of these days.
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