Standing in appellate court?

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New Member
I'm a layman....

The Virginia case challenging the Healthcare law seems destined for the 4th Circuit appellate court (unless rule 11 is invoked and the case goes straight to SCOTUS), Judge Vinson having ruled said law unconstitutional.
I was told on another forum (by another layman) that the appellate court would entertain a challenge to the standing of the plaintiffs. I thought:
A. Standing in this case was pretty much a given.
B. That the lower court was the proper place to challenge standing. Is it correct to say that standing has already been granted/ascertained but the appellate court might entertain an appeal to that finding?
Thanks in advance....
Standing is a red herring.
Standing has been established.
If it were an issue, the judge would not have ruled.
This case is now fast tracked to SCOTUS.
Certiorari is a certainty.
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