Spyware on my ex's computer

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New Member
My jurisdiction is: Texas

Prior to getting divorced, I installed a spyware program on the home computer to catch my wife having an affair and stealing money. This computer was community property but upon divorce became my ex-wife's property. I never deleted the program because I never had access to the computer again and didn't tell her about it because I didn't want more confrontation following the divorce. I did later block any emails it sent me but it was after we were divorced.

Now, she's become aware that it's on the computer. What kind of trouble can I get into now? It was OUR computer when I installed it.
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I'm worried about either being sued or worse... jail.

Well... it's no use worrying now! What's done is done! I don't know the details so I can't tell you the situation. But do remember this - unless someone takes the time and effort to prosecute you, nothing is happening for what might be a rather innocuous incident. I wouldn't use the spyware though - right now that could be tantamount to "trespass" the same way it would be on someone else's land.
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