speeding ticket

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New Member
i recently got a speeding ticket for doing 50 in 35 zone. Basic concern is it smart to just go ahead and pay the darn thing rather than appear in court? The officer caught me with the speeding laser and he showed it to me. This is my first traffic ticket ever. I really dont have time to go to court especially if it makes no since for me to go because everything is pretty much cut in dry-I have a brand new car, clear day, laser, etc. THen also if I do go is it tru that you have to pay the ticket as well as the court costs as well? if that's the case I would rather pre-pay.
Consider the cost of the resulting insurance increase for the next 3 or more years if convicted, call your insurance company to find out.

In most areas, an attorney can almost always negotiate a reduced sentance for less than first year increase in insurance.
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