speeding ticket reduction

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New Member
I just had my traffic court date yesterday in NC for a simple 69 in a 55 speeding ticket. The DA offered to reduce it to 64 in 55, but in VA, where I now live, that's still a three point violation and my main goal here is to avoid any points at all if that's possible. This was my first offense in NC or VA other than a seatbelt ticket. I asked for a continuance and was given one because the DA told me that if I can bring a copy of a clean MVR, I could plea guilty to improper equipment, which I believe carries no insurance points. There are a couple of questions I still have about this that I would like to be clear on before I go back:
1.) What is the defintion of a "clean" driving record as it would apply to this situation? My last speeding ticket was probably seven years ago in TN and the only recent (last five years) violation was for not wearing a seatbelt.
2.) Given that my driving record in either or both states is deemed "clean", which it currently is by my insurance company, which MVR should I bring to court? My VA license is just over a month old and until then and at the time of the violation I have been driving on a TN DL. Does any of this matter or do they just assume that anything worth noting would be transferred to the state where you hold your current license?
3.) Does the copy of the MVR need to be certified by the DMV or will just the standard official copy do? (There were two options on the VA MVR website)
Thanks in advance for any answers you may have.
I would get a certivied copy and mail it in to the DA with a request that the ticket be reduced to improper equipment. This could save you a trip.

Just go down and get it from the VA DMV. Three years is considered clean.

You were very smart to realize that this would be entered in accordance with VA law. In NC a nine over does not increase your insurance which is why that was offered.
Thanks, pat

Thank you lwpat, I really appreciate what you guys do. If it weren't for these forums and your advice I would have had no idea of how to deal with this on my own, but it looks like I'll be able to get this cleared without having to pay an extra $150 in legal fees. I've been to other free advice forums and they seem to be populated mainly by pissed off cops that reply simply for the pleasure of making wiseass remarks and making anyone seeking advice look like a fool. Just wanted to let you know.
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