speeding ticket pa

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New Member
hi everyone,
i'm currently on probation for a dui and careless driving. i've been trying to stay out of trouble until this past weekend when i went on a trip to penn state and was caught speeding. doing a 61.9 in a 40mph zone. i wasn't aware of the speed limit and honestly wasn't paying attention. the officer cut me a break on the fine but he said it will be 4 points. i know that 6 points will be put on my driving record at the end of my 2 yr probation for my dui. i wanted to plead not guilty and then call the d.a. and try to plea bargain for a fine with no points. does this seem feasible given my past driving history? if i do plead not guilty can i call off the court date and plead guilty if i decide to for some reason? if i can plea bargain how do i go about it to avoid having to make the 2.5hr drive to court? do i just call the d.a. or write a letter?
any help would be greatly appreciated
PA ticket

It depends on the municipality, the cirmcunstances, the judge or prosecutor. Generally large cities in PA are amenable to plea bargins if the circumstances are right. Short of contacting a local attorney to represent you, which might be the best thing, you should call the court where you are scheduled for the hearing and ask them. I would definitely appear at the hearing with a checkbook and credit card dressed in a coat and tie and proper documents. Most often, the prosecutor or sometimes a police officer acting as one will offer you a guilty plea to a lesser offense, but not always. that is often dependent of the speed and the surroundings. Decide then what to do; bargin or judge. Judges can be understanding especially if you appear in court and sound convincing and contrite. Your effort to appear, assuming you had a decent distance to drive for the appearance, could work in your favor. Ain't no guarantee though.
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