Speeding ticket on Pope AFB, NC

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New Member
I recieved a speeding ticket on Pope AFB in NC for doing 46 in a 30. The officer pulled me over and asked me if I knew how fast I was going. I didn't know how fast I was going or even what the speed limit was suppose to be. I simply wasn't paying attention and was following traffic. The officer said he clocked me doing 40 in a 30. I gave him information and waited. He came back to car and handed me a ticket saying 46 in 30 and that I had to appear in court. I asked him why he wrote 46 when he said 40. The officer said that he had to do 50 to catch up with me.

Can he do that, write down something different than what he clocked me at?

I haven't had speeding ticket in over 8 years and have never been to court. I do not know what to expect or do. Someone told me that I would lose my license for doing 15 over the speed limit. I am military wife with 3 children and husband is deployed. I can't lose my license. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Yes, the officer can change his mind on the ticket, even after it is written up. Sounds like the first speed was radar and second what he paced you at after he caught up. The "I wasn't paying attention and was following traffic" story really bugs some officers since they hear it all day long.

I don't think you are at risk of a suspended licence for speeding less than 55 but you should check with the court to be sure.

You might be able to plea this down or ask for a PFJ. A lawyer would know best how to approach this. Any wife with a husband deployed would get a huge break from me if I were at the bench (sincerly).

Worse case your fine plus court costs should be under $150, call the court to find out for sure.

Good luck!
This would be a good use of a PJC (provided you can avoid another ticket for a year.) They will likely reduce the speed to 14 over the speed limit just for asking in court, which will keep you your license. (30 day suspension for 15 over.) However this will increase your insurance (needs to be 1 speeding ticket for 9 or less over the limit for no insurance increase.) If you get the PJC with 14 over you won't get any insurance points. Call the DA's office to get specifics on the requirements for a PJC, it varies to county as to when they grant it, and they require different bits of information.
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