Son hurt at school

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On October 21, 2009, a Wednesday, my son was in gym class and they had all four third grade classes running around the car circle. Somehow my son said when he was running there was no room and he tripped, fell side ways and hit his head behind his right ear on the curb. Around 11:30am the school office called, since there was no nurse on duty. They told me he fell in gym and had a small bump on his head and the only thing he was complaining about was his stomach hurting. I asked if he ate and they said they were going to lunch. I asked them to have him eat and if he was still feeling sick to call me. They called me back at 1pm and stated he was still complaining, so I picked him up and then went back and picked up my daughter at 1:35pm. When I picked up my son I could see the big bump and I asked what happened and my son told me how he fell and he hit his head on the curb and then I took my son to the emergency room and they did x-rays & an MRI and told me he had a contusion and signs of a concussion to monitor him and if he was feeling worse or to bring him back. He stayed home Thursday and returned to school Friday, October 23, 2009. The school called me and told me that Anthony failed the school eye exam. That was a shock to me, but he was complaining about his eyes bothering him that weekend. Between October 23 and November 13, he missed several days for having a fever. November 12, 2009 he had the H1N1 Flu shot. Monday, November 16, 2009 Anthony had a 101 fever and he stayed home from school. When I gave him Motrin his fever went away. He went to sleep around 8pm and around 9pm he woke to go to the bathroom and half his face was swollen and his eye was almost completely shut. I took him to the emergency room and they told me he had a chipped filling that seems to have gotten infected. They noticed he was in on Oct 21, 2009 and they asked Anthony if he clanked his teeth when he fell and he said yes. They gave him a perscription for penicillin and told me to take him to a dentist once his swelling went down. He missed school from November 16, 2009 to November 20, 2009 and the following week the 23rd to the 27th they were off for Thanksgiving Break. Anthony's swelling went down on November 19, 2009 so I was able to take him to the dentist. They immediately told me the infection was very bad and they needed to remove the tooth. On November 20, 2009 I took Anthony to the eye doctor and they told me that he would need glasses.

I found all of this ironic, considering, all his medical problems started after his accident at the school. When I brought it up to the school nurse, she asked if I took out the school insurance. I explained to her that the form stated if your children were going to be in after school athletics you needed the school insurance. So, no I did not take it out and she told me well then my insurance would have to cover the medical. Since I have medicaid it was covered, except $40 for the coating on the glasses for scratched. Is there anything I can do to get compensation for my son for his injury and all the problems that seemed to have stemed from his accident?
Nope... not really. It was a simple accident. At least it is only $40 and you weren't stuck with a huge bill.
School insurance is required for after school sports, but that doesn't mean that other students can't have it too.
It is unlikely that his vision problem or H1N1 are associated with all this, but the rest makes sense.
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