Some organization threatening to sue due to "monitored phone conversations"

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New Member
A police and firefighter publications organization called my parent's business for some kind of fee of $250. My mother was misled into believing that it was some kind of donation, so in the beginning she agreed to write a $250 check. But after she a while, she became very suspicious of the whole thing, and realized that perhaps she was scammed. She consulted a police officer customer at the restaurant, and he called it a scam from his understanding...which iwas basically an obliged donation. The organization kept calling day after day, because they send mail via UPS every morning to the restaurant for the check. My mother refuses day after day.

Finally my mother asked me to speak with the organization, and due to much anger I called them a "scam" organization without any knowledge of what kind of organization it was. My only understanding at that point was that they were threatening my mother to take the case to a legal matter because they telephone monitored her saying that she agreed to pay the $250. And now they're continuing to call everyday saying that they're going to sue ME because I called them a scam organization...though they have no idea of WHO we are and, in essence, WHO they were talking to on the phone. I don't know much about the rights of organizations who have monitored conversations and their exercise of it. Can someone please let me know whether they can actually sue people who they don't even know the names of?
Report them to the Attorney General in your state. They are not going to sue you over 250.00.
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