Sold a camper on craigslist...

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New Member
We sold a camper on craigslist and took a chance on a guy who said he would pay half in cash now and the second half in a check that we can cash on Dec 1. (He lives in MN, we live in WI).
We disclosed to him everything that we knew was wrong with the camper, which for us was a little leaking when we first got it but discovered it was a broken vent and as long as the vent was covered with a cup water was not a problem.
He picked up the camper and paid the first half of the amount on Oct 30. Today, Nov. 14, he is complaining that there is extensive water damage and feels that he had been duped.
He spent less than 5 mins looking at the camper and there were visible signs of previous water damage. He wants to stop payment on the check for the second half.
We think that the cup blew off and then water got into the camper.
We have the title, which we would give him after his check cleared, and a signed contract that states he purchased the camper As is.
He wants to take us to court to get his first half of the money back.
Who would be favored legally in this situation?
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