Small claims summons



Recently filed a small claims against my ex-boyfriend for money he owes me. He was served and received the paper for court. Filed it under his name Mark and did not know his real name was Marco. Will they throw the case out even though he accepted the summons but the name was incorrect?
Recently filed a small claims against my ex-boyfriend for money he owes me. He was served and received the paper for court. Filed it under his name Mark and did not know his real name was Marco. Will they throw the case out even though he accepted the summons but the name was incorrect?

Probably not, if he objects the court will allow you to petition orally the change.

Your biggest problem will arrive when you prevail and still don't receive a dime of your judgment.

Suing is easier than collecting.

Good luck.
What may help is to place a lien on the defendant or let him know that's your next plan of action. Depending upon their life circumstances, it could be quite important. The court clerk should be able to provide you with limited assistance with judgment enforcement. Sadly @army judge is correct when it comes to the challenges of collection upon a judgment. It's actually the reason why this site was founded and to help people help themselves where the law provides a challenging remedy. Good luck.