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New Member
I was a member of the board of directors in a 1000 unit condominium. Last year a new president of the board was elected. He wanted to change the direction of a multi million dollar insurance claim our association had against our carrier which was being handled by me and the former association president. To do this, he started accusing me of various criminal and unethical acts in order to convince the association to change direction. This was done because up to that time the association was in agreement with the direction of the claim. He would post in writing each week a presidents report in which he would attack my integrity. He would post these written notices in over forty five locations in our development and leave each one up for one week and then would replace it with another notice also falsely attacking my integrity and honestly. This went on for several months with a new notice being posted each week. Not only were these put in writing but they told many of the merchants doing business with the association that I and my wife received a free car, trips and other gifts from other vendors doing business with the association. Two days ago a contractor came into my unit to do some work and he asked me and my wife what was going on. He said that he was called in by the association president and told that I was receiving payoffs from vendors and my wife was given a new car.

Three of the persons and companies accused of providing the gratuities to me are now suing the president and the association for slander because he put these things in writing and damaged their good names. He also made a police report with these accusations which was swiftly declared unfounded by the investigating detective. Depositions on these suits are to start in two weeks and it looks as if the plaintiffs are not going to back off.

I have been told by many that I and my wife have an excellent slander case because there is no he said she said in it. All the accusations were put in writing and publicly posted for all to see. He also made these statements at recorded and open board meetings. I have the recordings and the postings. My problem is that I don't have the money like the three companies suing the association over this. Does anyone know where I can find an attorney who would be willing to take a case like this on a contingency or for small payments on account? I live in Broward County, Florida.
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