Shoplifting, Larceny, Robbery, Theft Sjhoplifting

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New Member
I need help..I was caught shoplifting and am goiung to court for a misemenor. I am so ashamed..I put it in the outside pocket of my backpack and was carrying a package...I had intended on paying for it at the register..I forgot..I got out the fist door after paying for the box and forgot to pay for it. I remembered just as I left the first door. Turned around and they stopped me.. To late they said..I could either tell me why I tried to conceal it or would go to jail. I was so afraid I said yes. I am going to plead no contest as it was stupid to do it that way..I forgot my medicine and was so rushed...They said I opened the box it was already open..HELP any help....I am scared I will lose my job if they find out What is the punishment for First offenders in Colorado?
Or any advice....................Amy I am 50 and stupid I guess
If the package was visible from the back of your backpack then you can claim that you had no intent to commit the crime. Had you placed it in your bag because you hadn't sufficient ability to carry everything in hand? Pleading no contest may not help you at all. You might do better pleading not guilty. You also may be able to make a deal with the prosecutor were you can receive probation and the record will be wiped clean if you complete it successfully. The issue will likely be difficult to deal if you have prior arrests.

Thank you for the advice....I have no priors for anything....I did contact an attorney who said he would try to get a deferred sentence. I am not sure what that means, but I do hope it will work out.

I love this site and plan to visit often.....

Thanks again, Amy
Deferred sentence may mean that if you complete a probationary period you might be able to have the offense purged from the record or sentencing consisting of your time during probation. The sentencing is thus "deferred" until a later date. Don't know whether this is possible but just a guess. Your attorney should explain to you what he means.
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