Site Rights

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New Member
Hello. I am a UK citizen and currently run a site called blondepedia. This site is presented by and directly linked to a company called blonde poker, which I currently have a small stake in. I worked for blonde poker for three years until recently when the CEO released me as a result of failing finances and cut me from the payroll. I may be asked back in six months time depending on their financial situation.

During my time with blonde poker, I created blondepedia. blondepedia is a database of poker players that offers images from tournaments as well as bios of a number (approx 500) of players. I created this with my brother who is a web designer. I received £500 from blonde poker to give to my brother for designing the site. I received nothing, and only did the work to help the site and hopefully increase the value of my shares. It was a lot of work, and has been since (almost two years now) as I've continued to maintain and add to the database.

Now that I have been (temporarily?) released, I am wondering about my rights to blondepedia and its content. As the sole contributor/creator (apart from my brother and very sporadic contributions from members of the forum and the CEO himself), can claim any kind of ownership of blondepedia?

I believe my brother owns the domain name, but all images are from work I did with blonde poker as a field reporter. Most of the photos will have been taken to me, and most (approx 95%) lack a 'blonde poker' watermark. I uploaded every single one of these images onto the database, without assistance from anyone else.

Can anyone assist/advise to my current rights to blondepedia? Any questions, please ask.
Suffice it to say that it looks like yet another poker site which one should treat with serious caution. With regard to your interests, it's impossible to say... what was your deal? What did you work out? What kind of compensation were you supposed to receive from this site? Did you have partial ownership? Was this in exchange for some partial ownership? What is your brother's relationship with the ownership of the site and the content?

There are many questions. You can certainly assert your claims and make things messy for all involved but, just the same, it's also unclear for you what you are owed if anything. Essentially... what was the deal?
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