Shoplifting, Larceny, Robbery, Theft Shoplifting video

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New Member
Wish I saw this before I got stupid. That's scary, I couldn't watch the whole thing without my stomach turning. I didn't want to watch the related videos either. How do so many security tapes end up on youtube though.
I cant say. I can say if the stores find out they usually have them removed and if the LP who put out there is discovered he gets fired. I know of one case where a team put up a montage of videos naming store and showing their faces. The LPM and at least one LPO were fired other written up. These security tapes belong to the retailers not the LPs
I would also think that the shoplifters on the video would want to sue the person who put the video on Youtube without their permission. Not sure or not, but they may be able to file a lawsuit against the store for letting the video get out.
That wont be easy. The lifter first has to see video. Then he need to ID owner so he can sue. If I posted such a video it would cost me my job without a second to think about it.
As many great videos I have over the years, sticking them on Youtube pretty much screams "Fire me"
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