Shoplifting, Larceny, Robbery, Theft Shoplifting Question

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New Member
In 1999 I got busted stealing $20 worth of clothes. I never went to jail but was fingerprinted in the back room of the store. Was told it was a 1st degree misdem. Paid my fine.
I went to court, was in a room with 20 other kids & we all got our community service papers at once. I did my community service.
Will this be on my record 8 years later?? Was it a REAL conviction? How far back to common employers go back on a background check?

Thanks in advance
Forgive my ignorance. There was no real court. Literally they called a herd of us in, made us watch a movie, we signed up for trash pickup, paid a fine and that was it. I also paid the store that I owed. I never did any jail time nor talked to an attny or judge one on one. 1st degree misdem petty theft.
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