Shoplifting, Larceny, Robbery, Theft Shoplifting In California

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New Member
Hi, I am new to this site, but the answers I see here sounds useful.
I am asking on behalf of my uncle because he has shoplifted from Home Depot. I don't know much detail but he probably shop lifted at least a $100 worth of merchandise. The store wrote a report, took a picture and gave him a sheet that tells him that he can't return any merchandise that he has purchased previously. However, they did call the police and i believe he was arrested and they finger printed him. They let him out though, but they did not ask him for bail. On the sheet they gave him it has his picture on it and bail amount and how much he has in his wallet when he was detained. They also gave him a citation. He didn't intend to shoplift until his coworker/friend suggested it to him. He has no knowledge in English, so it might have been hard for him to communicate to the officer and so he did what he was told. He doesn't have a criminal record and this is his first and last offense.
What I want to know is:
What are the procedures? Do we have to wait for mail or just attend the court date that is on the citation?
I have already suggested him to get a lawyer, but should he get one now or wait until we receive the mail?
What do you suggest we talk about with the lawyer? I have seen people post about a diversion program, so I am wondering if he would qualify since he is a 59 year old adult?

We would really like this off the record, and I would love to hear any advice that you think might help.
I would also like to ask what is the difference between an expungement and diversion? Which one would you recommend?
We also checked online if he has a criminal record already, but I don't think it is on there yet because it is fairly recent. I am just asking to try to give him a peace of mind. Thank you for your replies.
Yes he should talk to a lawyer (several is best) now. Since he has a citation it will have charge he can show Attorney. In fact if he checks citation it might have court date on it. He should ask if diversion is option for him. Diversion should be able to keep his record clean
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