Assault & Battery self defense, charged with assault

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I was attacked and in defending myself injured the attackers one of the severly. I was charged with assault. I in turn filed assault charges on the two men who attacked me. I was never informed of the date of thier case. I did not show up to thier court date as i was never informed of the date. The charges were dropped against both of them. I went to my court date they did not have to be there because the charges filed against me were by the state. I pleaded innocent. I now have a trail date. My questions are what would be the best way to get the prosecutor to hear my side and possibly drop the charges before the court date. If the charges are not dropped how can i get the names of the witnesses who were not mentioned in the charges. They are friends of the assalents but i do not know there names in order to have the subpoeaned. Also who should have informed me of the court dates and can i do anything about missing them? Thank you in advace for any help Tim

Optional Information:
State/Country relating to Question: Missouri

Already Tried:
Plead innocent, filed for discovery of witneses, filed charges against persons who attacked me.
All of this would be easier with an attorney.

You need to plead not guilty, and ask for an attorney.

Then, next step will likely be a pre-trial conference, where your attorney can argue on your behalf, and tell your side of the story to the prosecutor. If you're lucky, your attorney may be proactive enough to contact the prosecutor before this time to help alleviate some anxiety.

Good Luck.
The charges filed against them were filed by the state also. You can only ask for a warrant, the state decides whether to prosecute. Because you got the best of them, you were the one that was charged by the police. You may have, in their opinion, used excessive force. You need an attorney quickly. You either didn't file discovery correctly or you haven't received it yet. If the witnesses names were taken it will be on the police report. A good attorney MAY be able to get this case disposed of. It sounds to me that the other side has done what you should have done and you are going to have to go to court.
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